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We will supply to everyone, concentrate to make "good quality and delicious bean jam" making full use of the original deliciousness and charm of the bean jam.

Production and Supply

We supply delicious and high quality bean jam.

Stick to everything such as raw materials, manufacturing methods, quality, and flavor, we manufacture "high quality and delicious bean jam" with pride based on the high skill and experience of experienced people. Bean jam and sugared beans that we produce turn to final products such as sweets, breads and ice creams so that many people can eat safely from children to elderly people. For that purpose, we produce high quality product without any compromise.

Strict checking and sorting process

As well as selecting raw materials, we also check strictly at the time of receiving raw materials, and thoroughly control quality of raw materials. In the case of Adzuki, it will be delivered after primary screening at the origin, but we use it after careful screening again at our company. We control the quality through some detailed selection process such as selection, specific gravity, and color selection at our company.

Clean manufacturing environment

It is impossible to enter the room without putting clean rollers, hand washing and alcohol disinfection and passing through the air shower room. We manage fixed position constants and ordering, and we keep the environment that is always clean and safe to work. Also, we have paid close attention to the process from raw material input to filling and we work using "clean room (NASA standard Class 100)" with high air purity.

Unified management of daily inspection data

In order to deliver safe products without quality problems, we inspect strictly all manufactured products at own laboratory. All the information such as inspection results are kept as test result data, and even in case of emergency trouble, we have established a system which can link with the shipping history of each lot and trace it.

Product management and delivery

Distribution management differs between bean jam requiring freshness and bean jam with high preservability. We can provide safe and secure products by carrying out packaging according to necessary conditions and controlling the temperature during storage and distribution.

Manufacturing process of bean jam
