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We will supply to everyone, concentrate to make "good quality and delicious bean jam" making full use of the original deliciousness and charm of the bean jam.

Oversea Project

"DALIAN HOJO FOOD Co., Ltd." - Efforts towards overseas production -

In 1979, we succeeded in developing and importing frozen Adzuki that made in China, the first in Japan. Since then, the overseas business started from the development of frozen Adzuki, introducing new equipment repeatedly, started production of frozen raw bean paste. In 1995, we set up a full of capital enterprise as the first overseas corporation, “DALIAN HOJO FOOD Co., Ltd.”, established a production system for sugared beans and bean jam and reached today. We are not only in Japan but also looking at hidden overseas demand and continuing global business development with the world perspective.

Pursuing safe and high quality bean jam

Our factory in China has introduced equipment, technology, know-how that are equivalent to the head office factory in Japan, and in 2004 acquired HACCP. Along with that, we have established more stringent checking system and we are producing under the thorough quality control so that we can deliver "safe and delicious bean jam" required in Japan.

We challenge further possibilities of bean jam, taking the world into consideration.

Safe quality “Kinhokuren Adzuki”

"Kinhokuren Adzuki" is newly developed new varieties which is our company original, with the cooperation of Professor Kim Wen Lin, director of the Beijing Agricultural College Crop Genetics Research Institute, and has been adopting at the factory in China since 2005. We make contract consignment with Beijing Kaida Henye Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. this new variety: non-genetically modified, does not contain the DNA of domestic Adzuki that conflicts with current seedling law. For that reason, we were able to trace the detailed history that was impossible so far, such as farmers and areas cultivated, history of spraying pesticides used, prevention of contamination, and lot management per bulk bag.